Evaluation of selenium status in pure bred duroc sows and their progeny.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this trial was to determine selenium status in pure bred duroc sows and their progeny and to compare it to Czech Large White x Landrace breed.

DESIGN: The pregnant duroc sows (n=12) and pregnant Czech Large White x Landrace sows (n=12) were fed identical diets supplemented with sodium selenite.

RESULTS: During lactation significantly higher serum Se concentrations (p<0.001) were found in duroc piglets. Also significantly higher serum GSH-Px activities (p<0.001) were found in duroc sows and piglets. No differences in concentrations of Se in colostrums and milk were found between the two breeds.

CONCLUSION: Our findings support the hypothesis that there may be breed differences in indices of selenium status in pigs.

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