General and unspecific damping by malignancy of the circadian amplitude of circulating human melatonin?

  Vol. 20 (1-2) 1999 Neuro endocrinology letters Journal Article   1999; 20(1-2): 25-28 PubMed PMID:  11473228    Citation

: The circadian rhythm of serum melatonin of 39 cancer patients is compared with that of 28 healthy subjects matched by gender and age. Each subject provided 6 blood samples at 4-hour intervals for determination of melatonin by RIA. After log10-transformation, data series were analyzed by single and population-mean cosinor and compared between the two groups and among patients subgrouped by cancer site, stage and treatment. A circadian rhythm (P<0.001) is demonstrated for both groups, with a contributing 12-hour harmonic (P<0.001). In the absence of a difference in MESOR, the circadian amplitude of the cancer patients is smaller than that of the healthy subjects (P=0.003). Numerically, nocturnal (00:00 and 04:00) melatonin concentrations are lower and daytime (08:00-20:00) melatonin concentrations are higher in the cancer patients than in the healthy subjects (P=0.032 at 12:00 and P=0.058 at 16:00). In the age ranges examined, no differences are found with age in either group or by gender in health. No differences are found among cancer patients subgrouped either by site, stage (localized vs. metastasized) or treatment. If these results are validated, other Janus-like (two-faced: stimulation or inhibition, depending on chronome stage) effects of malignancy should be taken into consideration for screening and for timing treatment.

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