The diagnostic utility of S-100B protein and TPA in patients with ischemic stroke.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to asses blood plasma concentrations of S-100B protein and Tissue Polypeptide Antigen (TPA) in patients with confirmed ischemic stroke and to correlate these concentrations with stroke severity.

METHODS: S-100B protein and TPA blood plasma concentrations were determined in 47 patients with acute ischemic infarction and in the control population. S-100B protein was assessed on the 1th day, TPA on the 1th, 7th and 14th day. The clinical status was documented using Scandinavian Stroke Scale. The functional deficit after the stroke was scored by Barthel Index.

RESULTS: The analysis of the entire examined group in relation to the control population showed elevated concentrations of S-100B protein (0.47 ng/ml vs. 0.19 g/ml). The highest concentrations were in the severe stroke group (0.89 ng/ml). The assessment of TPA blood plasma concentrations showed higher ones in the examined group of patients: 225.7 U/l on the 1st day; 96.1 U/l on the 7th day; 125.64 U/l on the 14th day after the stroke in relation to the control population.

CONCLUSION: The analysis of obtained results showed significant increase of S-100B protein blood plasma concentrations in patients with severe stroke and TPA in patients with mild stroke. S-100 protein blood plasma concentration assessed on the 1st day after the ischemic stroke is the parameter presenting the highest diagnostic utility and its value above 0.6 ng/ml was obtained only in patients with severe stroke.

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