Ethical reflection in cognitive behavioral therapy and supervision: Theory and practice.
: Ethical reflection is a process that comes from the deeper attitudes and values of the therapist and supervisor. The capability to reco.....
Prasko J, Burkauskas J, Belohradova K, Kantor K, Vanek J, Abeltina M, Juskiene A, Slepecky M, Ociskova M.
Journal Article 2023; 44(1): 11-25 PubMed PMID: 36931223 Citation: Ethical reflection is a process that comes from the deeper attitudes and values of the therapist and supervisor. The capability to reco.....
Prasko J, Burkauskas J, Belohradova K, Kantor K, Vanek J, Abeltina M, Juskiene A, Slepecky M, Ociskova M. Ethical reflection in cognitive behavioral therapy and supervision: Theory and practice. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2023 Mar; 44(1): 11-25
Prasko J, Vanek J, Ociskova M, Krone I, Slepecky M, Abeltina M, Burkauskas J, Grambal A, Bagdonaviciene L.
Journal Article 2023; 44(2): 74-85 PubMed PMID: 37182229 Citation: Role-play helps the supervisor present a moment of therapy, and reflect on what has happened to the therapist to the patient and further.....
Prasko J, Vanek J, Ociskova M, Krone I, Slepecky M, Abeltina M, Burkauskas J, Grambal A, Bagdonaviciene L. Role-playing in cognitive behavioral supervision. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2023 Apr; 44(2): 74-85
Prasko J, Abeltina M, Krone I, Gecaite-Stonciene J, Vanek J, Burkauskas J, Liska R, Sollar T, Juskiene A, Slepecky M, Bagdonaviciene L, Ociskova M.
Case Reports 2023; 44(4): 234-255 PubMed PMID: 37466063 Citation: Cognitive-behavioural therapists and trainees are encouraged to undergo supervision when offering therapy to troubled clients and to pro.....
Prasko J, Abeltina M, Krone I, Gecaite-Stonciene J, Vanek J, Burkauskas J, Liska R, Sollar T, Juskiene A, Slepecky M, Bagdonaviciene L, Ociskova M. Problems in Cognitive-Behavioral Supervision: Theoretical Background and Clinical Application. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2023 Jul; 44(4): 234-255
Prasko J, Ociskova M, Burkauskas J, Vanek J, Krone I, Gecaite-Stonciene J, Abeltina M, Holomany J, Slepecky M, Juskiene A.
Journal Article 2024; 45(1): 55-68 PubMed PMID: 38295428 Citation: Schema therapy is an integrative approach to treat patients with personality disorders and other complex psychological problems. Group s.....
Prasko J, Ociskova M, Burkauskas J, Vanek J, Krone I, Gecaite-Stonciene J, Abeltina M, Holomany J, Slepecky M, Juskiene A. The river of life method in a schema therapy groups. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2024 Jan; 45(1): 55-68
Prasko J, Abeltina M, Gecaite-Stonciene J, Burkauskas J, Krone I, Jurisova E, Zatkova M, Vanek J, Slepecky M, Ociskova M.
Journal Article 2024; 45(1): 7-21 PubMed PMID: 38295424 Citation: This article emphasizes the critical role of self-care in the professional lives of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) therapists and .....
Prasko J, Abeltina M, Gecaite-Stonciene J, Burkauskas J, Krone I, Jurisova E, Zatkova M, Vanek J, Slepecky M, Ociskova M. Exploring self-care within the context of cognitive behavioural therapy and supervision. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2024 Jan; 45(1): 7-21
Prasko J, Ociskova M, Krone I, Burkauskas J, Gecaite-Stonciene J, Hodny F, Abeltina M, Slepecky M.
Journal Article 2024; 45(4): 262-280 PubMed PMID: 39607356 CitationAIM: The paper describes the characteristics of relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder (R-OCD), including the types of obsessions and .....
Prasko J, Ociskova M, Krone I, Burkauskas J, Gecaite-Stonciene J, Hodny F, Abeltina M, Slepecky M. A narrative review of relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder: Characteristics, causes and cognitive-behavioural interventions. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2024 Nov; 45(4): 262-280