Induction of vitellogenin and gonadal impairment in chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.) after exposure to 17beta-estradiol and testosterone.
OBJECTIVES: A controlled laboratory study was carried out to quantify vitellogenin (VTG) concentrations in a common cyprinid freshwater fish, the chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.), exposed to steroid hormones.
DESIGN: The effect of 17betaestradiol, testosterone and testosterone-estradiol mixture was investigated on vitellogenin induction. Gonad status was also determined.
RESULTS: Oral exposure to estradiol and a testosterone-estradiol mixture increased (p < 0.01) blood plasma concentrations of VTG in blood plasma of both sexes. The testosterone-estradiol mixture had a negative effect on the investigated chub gonads. The effects were signified by histological changes when compared to control fish.
CONCLUSION: Our results showed a significant VTG increase in blood plasma of both sexes, indicating that vitellogenic response in the chub is sensitive to steroid hormones....
Zlabek V, Berankova P, Randak T, Kolarova J, Svobodova Z, Kroupova H. Induction of vitellogenin and gonadal impairment in chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.) after exposure to 17beta-estradiol and testosterone. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2009 Jan; 30(Suppl 1): 225-229