: Meningiomas are very common neurosurgical problem. Their histological appearance, different size and localization, adherence to vital neural and vascular structures or extensive peritumoral brain edema (PTBE), especially in deep seated tumors, may lead to severe, life-threatening complications. We report a case of tuberculum sellae meningioma (TSM). A 48-year old female presented with 7-month history of blurred vision and progressive visual impairment. Intracranial tumor was confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). After ophtalmological and endocrinological evaluation, the patient underwent surgical removal of the tumor. She immediately recovered from her visual disturbances and no tumor recurrences were seen during follow-up. Pathological diagnosis showed a meningioma of the secretory subtype (MS). We discuss the role of immunohistochemical staining in the diagnosis and the role of different factors in the PTBE formation. Selection of surgical route to the TSM is discussed, as well. Review of the literature is presented.