Articles by author - Taiki Takahashi

Alcohol use and discounting of delayed and probabilistic gain and loss.

OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the relationship between alcohol and discounting of loss, one of procrastinative behaviors. This study ex.....

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Salivary alpha-amylase levels and rejection of unfair offers in the ultimatum game.

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to examine the role of emotions in rejection of unfair offers in an ultimatum game, which is of interest in n.....

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Neural correlates of the rejection of unfair offers in the impunity game.

OBJECTIVES: This study examined the roles of the insula and the anterior cingulate activations in the rejection of unfair offers in the im.....

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Cultural neuroeconomics of intertemporal choice.

: According to theories of cultural neuroscience, Westerners and Easterners may have distinct styles of cognition (e.g., different allocat.....

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Biophysics of risk aversion based on neurotransmitter receptor theory.

: Decision under risk and uncertainty has been attracting attention in neuroeconomics and neuroendocrinology of decision-making. This pape.....

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Salivary alpha-amylase levels and temporal discounting for primary reward under a simulated life-threatening condition.

OBJECTIVES: This study was aimed to examine the relationships between salivary alpha-amylase (sAA, a non-invasive biological marker of adr.....

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